Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Unexpected miracle story to tell

Well, I was going to update on how God gave me a car.
And He did :) But read below what else happened...

Work has been trying, but some friends found a great-valued car in Houston for me. With different people pitching in, I bought it and this past Saturday, I flew to Houston to pick it up. It was great to be back home, even if just for a night. Early Sunday I drove to Amarillo, TX, and had a wonderful solo trip spent in silence, prayer, worship, and audiobook. Sunday night a friend of a friend opened her home for me and I left early Monday morning to make the rest of the trip to Denver.
About half a mile out of the house, I pulled into a gas station to fill up my car and noticed that my front tire was flat. Great. A nice man pumped it up for me and we drove to Tire Discount Co. repair shop and they fixed it for me for free! Finally I was on my way to Denver. It had snowed the night before, so there was snow on the side and it was slow going at first. When the roads were clearer and not so snowy, I was finally able to pick up some speed again.
Two hours into my delayed trip, I saw a flipped truck in the median. Praying for whoever may have been in that accident, I slowed down my car. Too late. Before I knew what was happening, my car started swaying side to side uncontrolably and next thing I knew I was heading right into the median. Before I landed in the bottom of the ditch, however, my car did a complete 360 degree rotation, bumping off the sides, landing me on the roof and then back on my tires. Suddenly I found myself at the bottom of the ditch, engine still running, music still playing, except the interior of my car having stuff scattered all over and my windshield being completely shattered. I calmly turned off the car and the music and got out into the bitter cold to evaluate the situation. I had done a flip all right--my mirrors were hanging by a thread, the windshield shattered but didn't break, praise the Lord, the roof had a dent, and the right side of the car had a dent. I couldn't believe this.
After standing there in disbelief for a minute, I saw an SUV hit the side of a semitruck and get flung into the median also. Left and right, cars were starting to fall like flies because of the black ice. Eventually, my car and I were towed into the closest small town and I spent most of the afternoon making phone calls. There was a brother and sister that had also gotten into an accident and I got a ride back to Amarillo with them. God's provision. It felt like we were holding on for dear life on our long way back down the dark highway, but again God protected us.

Today I am still alive with not a scratch or bruise. Such bad things could have happened, but I felt such peace and like there was a bubble around me when I was being justled in the car. And I have been so blessed by the many prayers that went up on my behalf. God does love me and besides giving me the gift of life, He shows me this love by the care and concern of my community.

I am so blessed. God is gracious.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, what a story! Thank God for keeping you safe. I'm hoping you had comprehensive insurance?
